English synonyms about - contact  

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1 draft

A document ordering the payment of money; drawn by one person or bank on another.

synonyms: bill of exchange, order of payment.

Roget 800: money, legal tender; money matters, money market; finance; accounts etc. 811; funds, treasure; capital, stock; assets etc. ... show more

Roget 270: transfer, transference; translocation, elocation; displacement; metastasis, metathesis; removal; remotion, amotion; relegation; deportation, asportation; ... show more

Roget 596: compend, compendium; abstract, precis, epitome, multum in parvo [Lat.], analysis, pandect, digest, sum and substance, brief, abridgment, summary, ... show more

Roget 805: credit, trust, tick, score, tally, account.    letter of credit, circular note; duplicate; mortgage, lien, debenture, paper credit, floating capital; ... show more

Dutch: wissel, trek, sketch, kladversie
Polish: weksel ciągniony, weksel trasowany, trata

2 draft

A current of air (usually coming into a chimney or room or vehicle).

synonym: draught.

Dutch: schets, tocht, trek, zucht, zuiging

3 draft

A preliminary sketch of a design or picture.

synonym: rough drawing.

Polish: studium

4 draft

A serving of drink (usually alcoholic) drawn from a keg:
— They served beer on draft.

synonyms: draught, potation, tipple.

Dutch: losplaats

5 draft

Any of the various versions in the development of a written work:
— A preliminary draft.
— The final draft of the constitution.

synonym: draft copy.

Dutch: aanzet, kladversie, concept, kladje, praatstuk
Polish: brudnopis, brulion

6 draft

The depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded).

synonym: draught.

7 draft

A regulator for controlling the flow of air in a fireplace.

8 draft

A dose of liquid medicine:
— He took a sleeping draft.

synonym: draught.

9 draft

Compulsory military service.

synonyms: conscription, muster, selective service.

Dutch: militaire dienst, dienstplicht
Polish: zaciąg, werbunek, werbownictwo

10 draft

A large and hurried swallow.

synonyms: draught, gulp, swig.

Dutch: teug

11 draft

The act of moving a load by drawing or pulling.

synonyms: draught, drawing.

Roget 626: plan, scheme, design, project; proposal, proposition, suggestion; resolution, motion; precaution etc. (provision) 673; deep-laid plan ... show more

Roget 556: painting; depicting; drawing etc. v.; design; perspective, sciagraphy, skiagraphy; chiaroscuro etc. (light) 420; composition; ... show more

Roget 554: representation, representment; imitation etc. 19; illustration, delineation, depictment; imagery, portraiture, iconography; design, designing; art, ... show more


1 draft

Draw up an outline or sketch for something:
— Draft a speech.

synonym: outline.

Roget 590: write, pen; copy, engross; write out, write out fair; transcribe; scribble, scrawl, scrabble, scratch; interline; stain paper; write down ... show more

2 draft

Engage somebody to enter the army.

synonyms: enlist, muster in.

3 draft

Make a blueprint of.

synonyms: blueprint, draught.

Moby thesaurus: CD, IOU, MO, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, acceptance, acceptance bill, adumbrate, air current, arrangement, article, attraction, autograph, bag, bang, bank acceptance, bank check ... show more.

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