English synonyms about - contact  

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1 contagion

Any disease easily transmitted by contact.

synonym: contagious disease.

Roget 657: insalubrity; unhealthiness etc. adj.; nonnaturals; plague spot; malaria etc. (poison) 663; death in the pot, contagion; toxicity.   

Dutch: besmetting

2 contagion

An incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted.

synonyms: infection, transmission.

Roget 270: transfer, transference; translocation, elocation; displacement; metastasis, metathesis; removal; remotion, amotion; relegation; deportation, asportation; ... show more

Dutch: besmetting, infectie
Polish: infekowanie, zarażanie

3 contagion

The communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people:
— A contagion of mirth.

synonym: infection.

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