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Roget category 601

5. Words relating to the voluntary powers
5.1. Volition in general
›› 5.1.1. Acts of volition

#601. Necessity


involuntarinessinstinct, blind impulseinborn proclivity, innate proclivitynative tendency, natural tendencynatural impulse, predetermination.
necessity, necessitationobligationcompulsion etc. 744subjection etc. 749stern necessity, hard necessity, dire necessity, imperious necessity, inexorable necessity, iron necessity, adverse necessityfatewhat must be.
destiny, destinationfatality, fate, kismet, doom, foredoom, election, predestinationpreordination, foreordinationlot fortunefatalisminevitableness etc. adj. — spell etc. 993.
star, starsplanet, planetsastral influencesky, Fates, Parcae, Sisters three, book of fateGod's will, will of Heavenwheel of Fortune, Ides of March, Hobson's choice.
last shift, last resortdernier ressort [Fr.]pis aller etc. (substitute) 147 [Fr.]necessaries etc. (requirement) 630.
necessarian, necessitarianfatalistautomaton.


lie under a necessitybefated, be doomed, be destined &c., in for, under the necessity ofhave no choice, have no alternativebe one's fate etc. n.. to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a corner, to be unable to help.
destine, doom, foredoom, devotepredestine, preordaincast a spell etc. 992necessitatecompel etc. 744.


necessary, needful etc. (requisite) 630.
fateddestined etc. v. — electspellbound compulsory etc. (compel) 744uncontrollable, inevitable, unavoidable, irresistible, irrevocable, inexorableavoidless, resistless.
involuntary, instinctive, automatic, blind, mechanicalunconscious, unwitting, unthinkingunintentional etc. (undesigned) 621impulsive etc. 612.


necessarily etc. adv. — of necessity, of courseex necessitate rei [Lat.]needs mustperforce etc. 744nolens volens [Lat.]will he nil he, willy nilly, bon gre mal gre [Fr.], willing or unwilling, coute que coute [Fr.].
faute de mieux [Fr.]by stress ofif need be.


it cannot be helpedthere is no help for, there is no helping itit will be, it must be, it needs to be, it must be so, it will have its waythe die is castjacta est alea [Lat.]che sara sara [Fr.]it is written —" one's days are numbered, one's fate is sealedFata obstant [Lat.]diis aliter visum [Lat.]actum me invito factus [Lat.], non est meus actus [Lat.]aujord'hui roi demain rien [Fr.]quisque suos patimur manes [Lat.] [Vergil]; The moving finger writes and having writ moves on.
The moving finger writes and having writ moves on. Nor all thy piety nor wit shall draw it back to cancel half a [Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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