English synonyms about - contact  

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1 chart

A visual display of information.

synonym: graph.

Roget 695: advice, counsel, adhortation; word to the wise; suggestion, submonition, recommendation, advocacy; advisement.    exhortation etc. (persuasion) 615; ... show more

Roget 626: plan, scheme, design, project; proposal, proposition, suggestion; resolution, motion; precaution etc. (provision) 673; deep-laid plan ... show more

Roget 86: list, catalog, catalogue, inventory; register etc. (record) 551.    account; bill, bill of costs; terrier; tally, listing, ... show more

Roget 554: representation, representment; imitation etc. 19; illustration, delineation, depictment; imagery, portraiture, iconography; design, designing; art, ... show more

Roget 527: information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge etc. 490; publicity etc. 531; data etc. 467.    communication, ... show more

Polish: wykres

2 chart

A map designed to assist navigation by air or sea.

3 chart

usually plural A listing of best-selling recorded music.


1 chart

Make a chart of.

2 chart

Plan in detail.

3 chart

Represent by means of a graph:
— Chart the data.

synonym: graph.

Moby thesaurus: Lambert conformal projection, Mercator projection, Miller projection, adjust, aeronautical chart, alphabet, arrange, art, astronomical chart, atlas, azimuthal equidistant projection, azimuthal projection, blueprint, brouillon, card index, cartographer, cartography, cartoon, cast, catalog ... show more.

Find more on chart elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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