directness as a noun: - 1
- 2
1 directness
2 directness
The quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech.
synonyms: candidness, candor, candour, forthrightness, frankness.
Dutch: vrijmoedigheid, rondborstigheid, oprechtheid, openheid, openhartigheid, directheid
Polish: szczerość
Moby thesaurus: Atticism, appropriateness, artlessness, austerity, baldness, bareness, bluffness, bluntness, broadness, brusqueness, candidness, candor, chasteness, chastity, childlikeness, clarity, classicalism, classicism, clear-cutness, clearness, coherence, comeliness, common speech, connectedness, consistency, correctness, crystallinity, definition, dignity, discrimination, distinction, distinctness, ease, elegance, elegancy, explicitness, felicitousness, felicity, finish, fittingness, flatness, flow, flowing periods, fluency, forthrightness, frankness, freedom, freeness, genuineness, good taste, grace, gracefulness, gracility, guilelessness, homespun, horizontalness, household words, inartificiality, ingenuousness, innocence, leanness, limpidity, lineality, linearity, lucidity, matter-of-factness, naiveness, naivete, naivety, naturalness, neatness, openheartedness, openness, outspokenness, pellucidity, perspicuity, plain English, plain dealing, plain speaking, plain speech, plain style, plain words, plainness, plainspokenness, polish, propriety, prosaicness, prosiness, purity, rectilinearity, refinement, restrainedness, restraint, roundness, rustic style, seemliness, severity, simpleheartedness, simplemindedness, simpleness, simplicity, sincerity, single-heartedness, single-mindedness, singleness of heart, smoothness, soberness, spareness, starkness, straightforwardness, straightness, structure, taste, tastefulness, terseness, transparency, transpicuity, trustfulness, unadorned style, unadornedness, unaffectedness, unambiguousness, unassumingness, unconstraint, unequivocalness, unguardedness, unimaginativeness, unmistakableness, unpoeticalness, unpretentiousness, unreserve, unrestraint, unsophisticatedness, unsophistication, unsuspiciousness, unswervingness, unwariness, vernacular, verticalness ... show more.
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