Roget category 149
1. Words expressing abstract relations› 1.7. Change
›› 1.7.2. Complex change
changeableness etc. adj. — mutability, inconstancy — versatility, mobility — instability, unstable equilibrium — vacillation etc. (irresolution) 605 — fluctuation, vicissitude — alternation etc. (oscillation) 314.restlessness etc. adj.. fidgets, disquiet — disquietude, inquietude — unrest — agitation etc. 315.
moon, Proteus, chameleon, quicksilver, shifting sands, weathercock, harlequin, Cynthia of the minute, April showers† — wheel of Fortune — transientness etc. 111†.
fluctuate, vary, waver, flounder, flicker, flitter, flit, flutter, shift, shuffle, shake, totter, tremble, vacillate, wamble†, turn and turn about, ring the changes — sway to and fro, shift to and fro — change and change about — waffle, blow with the wind (irresolute) 605 — oscillate etc. 314 — vibrate between, two extremes, oscillate between, two extremes — alternate — have as man phases as the moon.adjective
changeable, changeful — changing etc. 140 — mutable, variable, checkered, ever changing — protean, proteiform† — versatile.unstaid†, inconstant — unsteady, unstable, unfixed, unsettled — fluctuating etc. v. — restless — agitated etc. 315 — erratic, fickle — irresolute etc. 605 — capricious etc. 608 — touch and go — inconsonant, fitful, spasmodic — vibratory — vagrant, wayward — desultory — afloat — alternating — alterable, plastic, mobile — transient etc. 111 — wavering.
seesaw etc. (oscillation) 314 — off and on.phrase
a rolling stone gathers no moss —" pictra mossa non fa muschis [It] — honores mutant mores [Lat.] — varium et mutabile semper femina [Lat.] [Vergil].The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.
Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.
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