English synonyms about - contact  

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

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1 approach

Ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation:
— His approach to every problem is to draw up a list of pros and cons.

synonyms: attack, plan of attack.

Roget 197: nearness etc. adj.; proximity, propinquity; vicinity, vicinage; neighborhood, adjacency; contiguity etc. 199.    short distance, short step, ... show more

Roget 627: method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise; modus operandi, MO; procedure etc. ... show more

Dutch: aanval, approach, benadering, benaderingswijze

2 approach

The act of drawing spatially closer to something:
— The hunter's approach scattered the geese.

synonyms: approaching, coming.

Dutch: toenadering, nadering
Polish: zbliżenie się, przybliżenie się

3 approach

A way of entering or leaving.

synonym: access.

Roget 286: approach, approximation, appropinquation; access; appulse; afflux, affluxion; advent etc. (approach of time) 121; pursuit etc. 622.    ... show more

Dutch: benadering
Polish: dostęp

4 approach

The final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing.

synonyms: approach path, glide path, glide slope.

Dutch: aanpak, aanvliegen

5 approach

The event of one object coming closer to another.

synonym: approaching.

6 approach

A tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others.

synonyms: advance, feeler, overture.

7 approach

The temporal property of becoming nearer in time:
— The approach of winter.

synonyms: approaching, coming.

8 approach

A close approximation.

9 approach

A relatively short golf shot intended to put the ball onto the putting green:
— He lost the hole when his approach rolled over the green.

synonym: approach shot.

Dutch: laan


1 approach

Move towards:
— We were approaching our destination.

synonyms: come near, come on, draw close, draw near, go up, near.

Roget 152: impend; hang over, lie over; threaten, loom, await, come on, approach, stare one in the face; foreordain, preordain; predestine, doom, have in store for.    ... show more

Roget 286: approach, approximate, appropinquate; near; get near, go near, draw near; come to close quarters, come near; move towards, set in towards; drift; make up to; ... show more

Roget 121: look forwards; anticipate etc. (expect) 507, (foresee) 510; forestall etc. (be early) 132.    come on, draw on; draw near; ... show more

2 approach

Come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character:
— His playing approaches that of Horowitz.

synonym: border on.

Dutch: benaderen, grenzen aan, naderen

3 approach

Begin to deal with:
— Approach a task.
— Approach a new project.

synonyms: go about, set about.

Dutch: rondlopen, aanpakken, de ronde doen, rondgaan, benaderen

4 approach

Come near in time:
— Winter is approaching.
— Approaching old age.

synonym: come near.

5 approach

Make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion.

Moby thesaurus: MO, access, accomplish, accomplishment, accordance, accost, achieve, achievement, act on, address, adit, advance, advances, advent, advise, agreement, air lock, algorithm, alikeness, alliance ... show more.

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