English synonyms about - contact  



1 whereabouts

The general location where something is.

Roget 183: situation, position, locality, locale, status, latitude and longitude; footing, standing, standpoint, post; stage; aspect, attitude, ... show more

Roget 197: nearness etc. adj.; proximity, propinquity; vicinity, vicinage; neighborhood, adjacency; contiguity etc. 199.    short distance, short step, ... show more

Dutch: verblijfplaats


Roget 183: in situ, in loco; here and there, passim; hereabouts, thereabouts, whereabouts; in place, here, there.    in such and such surroundings, in such and such environs, in such and such entourage, amidst such and such surroundings, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abode, area, bearings, bench mark, district, emplacement, hole, in what place, in which place, latitude and longitude, lieu, locale, locality, location, locus, pinpoint, place, placement, point, position ... show more.

Find more on whereabouts elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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