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1 simulation

The act of imitating the behavior of some situation or some process by means of something suitably analogous (especially for the purpose of study or personnel training).

Roget 19: imitation; copying etc. v.; transcription; repetition, duplication, reduplication; quotation; reproduction; mimeograph, xerox, facsimile; ... show more

Dutch: simulatie

2 simulation

computer science The technique of representing the real world by a computer program:
— A simulation should imitate the internal processes and not merely the results of the thing being simulated.

synonym: computer simulation.

3 simulation

Representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale).

synonym: model.

Dutch: model
Polish: model

4 simulation

The act of giving a false appearance.

synonyms: feigning, pretence, pretending, pretense.

Roget 544: falsehood, falseness; falsity, falsification; deception etc. 545; untruth etc. 546; guile; lying etc. ... show more

Polish: symulanctwo, pozoracja, pozoranctwo, symulacja

Moby thesaurus: accordance, acting, adoption, affectation, agreement, alikeness, alliance, analogy, aping, appearance, approach, appropriation, approximation, assimilation, assumption, attitudinizing, bluff, bluffing, borrowed plumes, cheating ... show more.

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