English synonyms about - contact  

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1 environs

The area in which something exists or lives.

synonyms: environment, surround, surroundings.

Roget 197: nearness etc. adj.; proximity, propinquity; vicinity, vicinage; neighborhood, adjacency; contiguity etc. 199.    short distance, short step, ... show more

Roget 227: circumjacence, circumambience; environment, encompassment; atmosphere, medium, surroundings.    outpost; border etc. (edge) 231; girdle etc. ... show more

Dutch: omgeving, environments, omstreken, milieu
Polish: otoczenie

2 environs

An outer adjacent area of any place.

synonym: purlieu.

Moby thesaurus: airspace, alentours, ambience, ambit, approach, approximation, area, belt, borderlands, boundary, bounds, circle, circuit, circumambiencies, circumjacencies, circumstances, closeness, compass, confines, context ... show more.

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