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1 admit

Declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of:
— He admitted his errors.

synonym: acknowledge.

Roget 762: consent; assent etc. 488; yield assent, admit, allow, concede, grant, yield; come round, come over; give into, acknowledge, ... show more

Roget 488: assent; give assent, yield assent, nod assent; acquiesce; agree etc. 23; receive, accept, accede, accord, concur, lend oneself to, ... show more

Roget 529: disclose, discover, dismask; draw the veil, draw aside the veil, lift the veil, raise the veil, lift up the veil, remove the veil, tear aside the veil, tear the curtain; unmask, unveil, unfold, ... show more

Dutch: bekennen, erkennen, toegeven, bevestigen

2 admit

Allow to enter; grant entry to:
— We cannot admit non-members into our club building.
— This pipe admits air.

synonyms: allow in, intromit, let in.

Roget 296: give entrance to, give admittance to, give the entree; introduce, intromit; usher, admit, receive, import, bring in, open the door to, throw in, ingest, absorb, ... show more

Dutch: binnenlaten, inlaten, toegang verlenen, toelaten

3 admit

Allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of:
— Admit someone to the profession.
— She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar.

synonyms: include, let in.

Roget 54: be composed of, be made of, be formed of, be made up of; consist of, be resolved into.    include etc. (in a class) 76; contain, hold, comprehend, take in, ... show more

Roget 76: be included in &c.; come under, fall under, range under; belong to, pertain to; range with; merge in.    include, comprise, comprehend, contain, admit, ... show more

Dutch: admitteren, toegeven, toelaten, toestaan

4 admit

Admit into a group or community:
— We'll have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member.

synonyms: accept, take, take on.

Roget 785: receive; take etc. 789; acquire etc. 775; admit.    take in, catch, touch; pocket; put into one's pocket, put into one's purse; ... show more

Dutch: accepteren

5 admit

Afford possibility:
— This problem admits of no solution.

synonym: allow.

Roget 760: permit; give permission etc. n., give power; let, allow, admit; suffer, bear with, tolerate, recognize; concede etc. ... show more

6 admit

Give access or entrance to.

7 admit

Have room for; hold without crowding:
— The theater admits 300 people.

synonyms: accommodate, hold.

8 admit

Serve as a means of entrance.

Moby thesaurus: Americanize, Anglicize, O, OK, accept, accord, acculturate, acculturize, acknowledge, acquiesce, acquire, admit everything, admit exceptions, adopt, affiliate, agree, agree provisionally, allow, allow for, assent ... show more.

Find more on admit elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 296: admitting etc. v., admitted etc. v.; admissable; absorbent.   

Roget 613: habitual; accustomary; prescriptive, accustomed etc. v.; of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence; consuetudinary; wonted, usual, general, ordinary, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: accepted, acclaimed, acknowledged, admired, advocated, affirmed, allowed, applauded, approved, authenticated, avowed, backed, being done, certified, comme il faut, conceded, confessed, confirmed, conformable, conventional ... show more.

Find more on admitted elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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