accepted as an adjective: - 1
1 accepted
Generally approved or compelling recognition:
— Several accepted techniques for treating the condition.
synonyms: recognised, recognized.
Moby thesaurus: Christian, acclaimed, accustomed, acknowledged, admired, admitted, adopted, advocated, affirmed, allowed, applauded, appointed, approved, assumed, authentic, authenticated, authoritative, avowed, backed, being done, believed, canonical, carried, cathedral, certified, chanced, chosen, chronic, comme il faut, conceded, confessed, confirmed, conformable, consuetudinary, conventional, correct, countersigned, credited, cried up, current, customary, de rigueur, decent, decorous, designated, elect, elected, elected by acclamation, embraced, endorsed, espoused, established, evangelical, everyday, ex cathedra, faithful, familiar, favored, favorite, firm, formal, generally accepted, granted, habitual, handpicked, highly touted, in good odor, in hand, in process, in progress, in the works, literal, magisterial, meet, named, nominated, normal, notarized, obtaining, of the faith, official, on the anvil, ordinary, orthodox, orthodoxical, passed, picked, popular, prescribed, prescriptive, prevalent, professed, proper, ratified, received, recognized, recommended, regular, regulation, right, routine, sanctioned, scriptural, sealed, seemly, select, selected, set, signed, sound, stamped, standard, stock, supported, sworn and affirmed, sworn to, textual, time-honored, traditional, traditionalistic, true, true-blue, trusted, unanimously elected, uncontested, under way, undertaken, underwritten, undisputed, undoubted, unquestioned, unsuspected, usual, validated, warranted, well-thought-of, widespread, wonted ... show more.
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