English synonyms about - contact  
indigestiondyspepsiastomach upsetupset stomachsymptombellyachegastralgiastomach achestomachache



1 indigestion

A disorder of digestive function characterized by discomfort or heartburn or nausea.

synonyms: dyspepsia, stomach upset, upset stomach.

Roget 655: disease; illness, sickness etc. adj.; ailing &c.; all the ills that flesh is heir to" [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; ... show more

Dutch: dyspepsie, indigestie
Polish: dyspepsja, niestrawność, sensacja żołądkowa

Moby thesaurus: abscess, ague, anemia, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, backache, bleeding, blennorhea, cachexia, cachexy, cardialgia, chill, chills, cholera morbus, colic ... show more.

Find more on indigestion elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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