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efflorescencebloomblossomflowerflushheydaypeakprimeperiodperiod of timetime periodgolden age

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1 efflorescence

The period of greatest prosperity or productivity.

synonyms: bloom, blossom, flower, flush, heyday, peak, prime.

Roget 330: powderiness [State of powder.], pulverulence; sandiness etc. adj.; efflorescence; friability.    powder, dust, sand, shingle; sawdust; grit; ... show more

Dutch: bloeitijd, hoogtijdagen, bloeiperiode
Polish: szczyt

2 efflorescence

Any red eruption of the skin.

synonyms: rash, roseola, skin rash.

Dutch: uitslag
Polish: krosta, wyrzut, wyprysk

3 efflorescence

The time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms.

synonyms: anthesis, blossoming, florescence, flowering, inflorescence.

Dutch: bloeiwijze, bloemgestel

4 efflorescence

A powdery deposit on a surface.

synonym: bloom.

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