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territorydistrictdominionterritorial dominionregionadministrative districtadministrative divisionterritorial divisionborder districtborderlandmarchmarchlandcity districtcongressional districtdevelopmentenclavepalatinatecommunityresidential arearesidential districtgoldfieldjurisdictionmandatemandatoryassociated stateprotectoratepossessiontrust territorytrusteeshipBritish East AfricaBritish West AfricaPalatinatePfalzAthosMount AthosAttica

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1 territory

A region marked off for administrative or other purposes.

synonyms: district, dominion, territorial dominion.

Roget 780: property, possession, suum cuique [Lat.], meum et tuum [Lat.].    ownership, proprietorship, lordship; seignority; empire etc. (dominion) 737.    interest, stake, ... show more

Dutch: regio, gebied, district, grondgebied, rayon, werkgebied

2 territory

An area of knowledge or interest.

3 territory

The geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state.

synonym: soil.

Moby thesaurus: Kreis, Lebensraum, acres, air space, airspace, alluvion, alluvium, ally, ambit, arable land, archbishopric, archdiocese, archduchy, archdukedom, area, arrondissement, back country, bailiwick, belt, bishopric ... show more.

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