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1 disregard

Lack of attention and due care.

synonym: neglect.

Roget 458: inattention, inconsideration; inconsiderateness etc. adj.; oversight; inadvertence, inadvertency, nonobservance, disregard.    supineness etc. (inactivity) 683; ... show more

2 disregard

Willful lack of care and attention.

synonym: neglect.

Dutch: nalatigheid, omissie, verzuim
Polish: zlekceważenie, zignorowanie, zbagatelizowanie


1 disregard

Refuse to acknowledge.

synonyms: cut, ignore, snub.

Roget 823: be insensible etc. adj.; have a rhinoceros hide; show insensibility etc. n.; not mind, not care, not be affected by; have no desire for etc. 866; have no interest in, ... show more

Roget 930: despise, contemn, scorn, disdain, feel contempt for, view with a scornful eye; disregard, slight, not mind; pass by etc. (neglect) 460.    look down upon; ... show more

Roget 826: be composed etc. adj.. laisser faire [Fr.], laisser aller [Fr.]; take things easily, take things as they come; take it easy, rub on, live and let live; take easily, take cooly, take in good part; aequam servare mentem [Lat.].    ... show more

Roget 460: be negligent etc. adj.; take no care of etc. (take care of) etc. 459; neglect; let slip, let go; lay aside, set aside, cst aside, ... show more

Roget 458: be inattentive etc. adj.; overlook, disregard; pass by etc. (neglect) 460; not observe etc. 457; think little of.    close one's eyes to, ... show more

2 disregard

Bar from attention or consideration.

synonyms: brush aside, brush off, discount, dismiss, ignore, push aside.

Roget 929: hold in disrespect etc. (despise) 930; misprize, disregard, slight, trifle with, set at naught, pass by, push aside, overlook, turn one's back upon, laugh in one's sleeve; ... show more

Dutch: afwimpelen, ignoreren, negeren, opzijzetten, wegcijferen

3 disregard

Give little or no attention to:
— Disregard the errors.

synonyms: ignore, neglect.

Moby thesaurus: abide with, abjuration, abjure, abjurement, absentmindedness, accept, accidia, acedia, admit, admit exceptions, allow, allow for, apathy, arrogance, ataraxia, ataraxy, audacity, be big, be blind to, be caught napping ... show more.

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