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1 thoughtlessness

The quality of failing to be considerate of others.

synonyms: inconsiderateness, inconsideration.

Roget 699: unskillfulness etc. adj.; want of skill etc. 698; incompetence, incompentency; inability, infelicity, indexterity, inexperience; disqualification, unproficiency; ... show more

Roget 863: rashness etc. adj.; temerity, want of caution, imprudence, indiscretion; overconfidence, presumption, audacity.    precipitancy, precipitation; impetuosity; levity; ... show more

Roget 452: incogitancy, vacancy, inunderstanding; fatuity etc. 499; thoughtlessness etc. (inattention) 458; vacuity.    couch potato, vegetable.   

Dutch: in overweging

2 thoughtlessness

The trait of not thinking carefully before acting.

synonym: unthoughtfulness.

Polish: pochopność

Moby thesaurus: abandon, absentmindedness, asininity, battiness, brainlessness, buffoonery, callowness, caprice, careless abandon, carelessness, casualness, childishness, clownishness, crackpottedness, crankiness, craziness, cursoriness, daffiness, desipience, disregard ... show more.

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