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1 cipher

A message written in a secret code.

synonym: cypher.

Roget 84: number, symbol, numeral, figure, cipher, digit, integer; counter; round number; formula; function; series.    sum, difference, ... show more

Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics; Zeitgeist.    [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, ... show more

Roget 561: letter; character; hieroglyphic etc. (writing) 590; type etc. (printing) 591; capitals; digraph, trigraph; ... show more

2 cipher

A mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same number.

synonyms: 0, cypher, nought, zero.

Dutch: niets
Polish: zero

3 cipher

A quantity of no importance.

synonyms: aught, cypher, goose egg, nada, naught, nil, nix, nothing, null, zero ... show more.

Roget 4: unsubstantiality, insubstantiality; nothingness, nihility; no degree, no part, no quantity, no thing.    nothing, naught, nil, nullity, zero, cipher, ... show more

Roget 101: zero, nothing; null, nul, naught, nought, void; cipher, goose egg; none, nobody, no one; nichts [G.], nixie [Slang], ... show more

Dutch: iets, nul, niks, niets
Polish: zero, nic

4 cipher

A person of no influence.

synonyms: cypher, nobody, nonentity.

Roget 643: unimportance, insignificance, nothingness, immateriality.    triviality, levity, frivolity; paltriness etc. adj.; poverty; smallness etc. 32; ... show more

Dutch: niemand, nul, schertsfiguur

5 cipher

A secret method of writing.

synonyms: cryptograph, cypher, secret code.

Dutch: cijferschrift, code, cryptografie, geheimschrift, steganografie
Polish: szyfr


1 cipher

Convert ordinary language into code.

synonyms: code, cypher, encipher, encrypt, inscribe, write in code.

Roget 528: conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight; lock up, seal up, bottle up.    encrypt, encode, cipher.    cover, screen, cloak, veil, ... show more

Dutch: versleutelen

2 cipher

Make a mathematical calculation or computation.

synonyms: calculate, compute, cypher, figure, reckon, work out.

Roget 85: number, count, tally, tell; call over, run over; take an account of, enumerate, muster, poll, recite, recapitulate; sum; ... show more

Dutch: plannen, uitwerken, calculeren, rekenen, becijferen, berekenen, uitrekenen

Moby thesaurus: Aesopian language, Babel, Greek, John Hancock, X, a nobody, a nothing, add, algebraize, allegory, alphabetic character, argot, aught, autograph, babble, binary digit, bit, break, calculate, cant ... show more.

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