English synonyms about - contact  


Roget category 517

4. Words relating to the intellectual faculties
4.8. Nature of ideas communicated

#517. [Absence of meaning.] Unmeaningness


meaninglessness, unmeaningness etc. adj. scrabble.
empty sound, dead letter, vox et praeterea nihil [Lat.]a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing;" sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal.
" nonsense, utter nonsense, gibberishjargon, jabber, mere words, hocus-pocus, fustian, rant, bombast, balderdash, palaver, flummery, verbiage, babble, baverdage, baragouin, platitude, niaiserieinanityflap-doodlerigmarole, rodomontadetruismnugae canorae [Lat.]twaddle, twattle, fudge, trash, garbage, humbugpoppy-cock [U.S.]stuff, stuff and nonsensebosh, rubbish, moonshine, wish-wash, fiddle-faddle absurdity etc. 497vagueness etc. (unintelligibility) 519.
[routine or reflexive statements without substantive thought, esp. legal] boilerplate, clich??.


mean nothingbe unmeaning etc. adj. — twaddle, quibble, scrabble.


unmeaningmeaningless, senselessnonsensicalvoid of sense etc. 516.
inexpressive, unexpressivevacantnot significant etc. 516insignificant.
trashy, washy, trumpery, trivial, fiddle-faddle, twaddling, quibbling.
unmeant, not expressedtacit etc. (latent) 526.
inexpressible, undefinable, incommunicable.

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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