English synonyms about - contact  
resourceassetsnatural resourcenatural resourceslabor resourcesbread and butterkeeplivelihoodlivingsupportsustenancebackingfinancial backingfinancial supportfundingsupportways and means

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1 resource

Available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed.

Dutch: grondstof, natuurlijke hulpbron, hulpbron
Polish: zasoby, zasoby przedsiębiorstwa

2 resource

A source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed.

Dutch: hulpbron, ressource

3 resource

The ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems:
— A man of resource.

synonyms: imagination, resourcefulness.

Dutch: hulpbron
Polish: przedsiębiorczość, zaradność, operatywność, inicjatywa, obrotność, rzutkość

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