English synonyms about - contact  

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1 altar

The table in Christian churches where communion is given.

synonyms: communion table, Lord's table.

Roget 1000: place of worship; house of God, house of prayer.    temple, cathedral, minster, church, kirk, chapel, meetinghouse, bethel, tabernacle, conventicle, ... show more

Dutch: altaar, offeraltaar
Polish: ołtarz

2 altar

A raised structure on which gifts or sacrifices to a god are made.

Polish: ołtarz

Moby thesaurus: Communion table, altar carpet, altar desk, altar facing, altar of prothesis, altar rail, altar side, altar slab, altar stair, altar stone, altarpiece, ancona, bomos, chancel table, credence, eschara, frontal, gradin, hestia, holy table ... show more.

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