English synonyms about - contact  

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jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry



1 attack

military An offensive against an enemy (using weapons):
— The attack began at dawn.

synonyms: onrush, onset, onslaught.

Roget 655: disease; illness, sickness etc. adj.; ailing &c.; all the ills that flesh is heir to" [Hamlet]; morbidity, morbosity; infirmity, ailment, indisposition; ... show more

Roget 716: attack; assault, assault and battery; onset, onslaught, charge.    aggression, offense; incursion, inroad, invasion; irruption; outbreak; estrapade, ... show more

Dutch: aanval
Polish: zaatakowanie, natarcie, najechanie, uderzenie, naparcie

2 attack

An offensive move in a sport or game.

Polish: natarcie, ofensywa, atak, akcja

3 attack

Intense adverse criticism:
— The government has come under attack.

synonyms: blast, fire, flack, flak.

Dutch: afbrekende kritiek

4 attack

Ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation:
— An attack on inflation.
— His plan of attack was misguided.

synonyms: approach, plan of attack.

Dutch: aanval, approach, benadering, benaderingswijze

5 attack

The act of attacking:
— Attacks on women increased last year.

synonym: attempt.

Dutch: aanval, aanslag, attentaat
Polish: napad, napaść

6 attack

A decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase.

synonym: tone-beginning.

7 attack

A sudden occurrence of an uncontrollable condition.

Polish: zaatakowanie

8 attack

The onset of a corrosive or destructive process (as by a chemical agent).

9 attack

Strong criticism.

Dutch: uithaal


1 attack

Launch an attack or assault on; begin hostilities or start warfare with:
— Hitler attacked Poland on September 1, 1939 and started World War II.

synonym: assail.

Roget 934: detract, derogate, decry, deprecate, depreciate, disparage; run down, cry down; backcap [U.S.]; belittle; sneer at etc. (contempt) 930; ... show more

2 attack

Attack in speech or writing:
— The editors of the left-leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker.

synonyms: assail, assault, lash out, round, snipe.

Dutch: aanvallen

3 attack

Take the initiative and go on the offensive:
— The Serbs attacked the village at night.
— The visiting team started to attack.

synonym: aggress.

4 attack

Attack someone physically or emotionally.

synonyms: assail, assault, set on.

Roget 716: attack, assault, assail; invade; set upon, fall upon; charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists.    assume the offensive, take the offensive; be the aggressor, become the aggressor; ... show more

Dutch: attaque, aanval, aanvallen, attaqueren, molesteren, storten

5 attack

Set to work upon; turn one's energies vigorously to a task.

6 attack

Begin to injure.

Moby thesaurus: Jacksonian epilepsy, MO, Rolandic epilepsy, abdominal epilepsy, abuse, accept, access, acquired epilepsy, action, activated epilepsy, activation, affect, affect epilepsy, affection, aggression, aggressiveness, ailment, akinetic epilepsy, algorithm, all-out war ... show more.

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