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1 invade

March aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation:
— Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

synonym: occupy.

Roget 294: have the entree; enter; go into, go in, come into, come in, pour into, pour in, flow into, flow in, creep into, creep in, slip into, slip in, ... show more

Roget 716: attack, assault, assail; invade; set upon, fall upon; charge, impugn, break a lance with, enter the lists.    assume the offensive, take the offensive; be the aggressor, become the aggressor; ... show more

Dutch: bezetten

2 invade

To intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate:
— This new colleague invades my territory.

synonyms: encroach upon, intrude on, obtrude upon.

3 invade

Occupy in large numbers or live on a host.

synonyms: infest, overrun.

4 invade

Penetrate or assault, in a harmful or injurious way.

Moby thesaurus: adopt, advance upon, appropriate, arrogate, assume, barge in, beset, board, break bounds, break in, break in upon, burst in, butt in, charge in, come between, crash, crash in, crash the gates, crawl with, creep in ... show more.

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