English synonyms about - contact  



1 panhandler

A beggar who approaches strangers asking for money.

Roget 767: petitioner, solicitor, applicant; suppliant, supplicant; suitor, candidate, claimant, postulant, aspirant, competitor, bidder; place hunter, pot hunter; ... show more

Roget 876: commonalty, democracy; obscurity; low condition, low life, low society, low company; bourgeoisie; mass of the people, mass of society; Brown Jones and Robinson; lower classes, humbler classes, ... show more

Dutch: bedelaar, landloper

Moby thesaurus: beggar, bum, bummer, cadger, coupon clippers, drone, freeloader, hobo, idle rich, leisure class, loafer, lounge lizard, lumpen proletariat, mendicant, mendicant friar, mendicant order, moocher, nonworker, parasite, rentiers ... show more.

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