English synonyms about - contact  

snake in the grass


1 snake in the grass

A deceitful or treacherous person.

synonym: snake.

Roget 649: hurtfulness etc. adj.; virulence.    evil doer etc. 913; bane etc. 663; plague spot etc. (insalubrity) 657; ... show more

Roget 941: knave, rogue; Scapin, rascal; Lazarillo de Tormes; bad man etc. 949; blackguard etc. 949; barrater, barrator; ... show more

Roget 667: rocks, reefs, coral reef, sunken rocks, snags; sands, quicksands; syrt, syrtis; Goodwin sands, sandy foundation; slippery ground; breakers, shoals, ... show more

Roget 548: deceiver etc. (deceive) etc. 545; dissembler, hypocrite; sophist, Pharisee, Jesuit, Mawworm, Pecksniff, Joseph Surface, Tartufe, ... show more

Roget 526: latency, inexpression; hidden meaning, occult meaning; occultness, mystery, cabala, anagoge; silence etc. (taciturnity) 585; concealment etc. ... show more

Roget 913: evil doer, evil worker; wrongdoer etc. 949; mischief-maker, marplot; oppressor, tyrant; destroyer, Vandal; iconoclast.    firebrand, incendiary, ... show more

Roget 528: concealment; hiding etc. v.; occultation, mystification.    seal of secrecy; screen etc. 530; disguise etc. 530; ... show more

Dutch: serpent
Polish: wąż, bazyliszek

Moby thesaurus: Benedict Arnold, Brutus, Judas, Judas Iscariot, Quisling, abomination, archtraitor, atrocity, bad, bane, befoulment, betrayer, blight, cockatrice, conniver, conspirator, conspirer, coral heads, corruption, crying evil ... show more.

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