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1 mystification

Confusion resulting from failure to understand.

synonyms: bafflement, befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, obfuscation, puzzlement.

Roget 477: intuition, instinct, association, hunch, gut feeling; presentiment, premonition; rule of thumb; superstition; astrology; faith (supposition) 514.    sophistry, ... show more

Roget 519: unintelligibility; incomprehensibility, imperspicuity; inconceivableness, vagueness etc. adj.; obscurity; ambiguity etc. 520; doubtful meaning; uncertainty etc. ... show more

Roget 528: concealment; hiding etc. v.; occultation, mystification.    seal of secrecy; screen etc. 530; disguise etc. 530; ... show more

Roget 544: falsehood, falseness; falsity, falsification; deception etc. 545; untruth etc. 546; guile; lying etc. ... show more

Dutch: verdwaasdheid, bezorgdheid, ontsteltenis, ontzetting, verbijstering

2 mystification

Something designed to mystify or bewilder.

3 mystification

The activity of obscuring people's understanding, leaving them baffled or bewildered.

synonym: obfuscation.

Polish: mistyfikatorstwo, mistyfikacja

Moby thesaurus: Chinese puzzle, amorphousness, anagoge, anagogics, anthroposophy, apparent soundness, burial, burying, cabala, cabalism, casuistry, circularity, closed, clouding, college of Laputa, concealedness, concealment, corruption, covering, covering up ... show more.

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