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1 cancel

A notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat.

synonym: natural.

Roget 552: obliteration; erasure, rasure; cancel, cancellation; circumduction; deletion, blot; tabula rasa [Lat.]; effacement, extinction.   

Roget 756: abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision; vacatur [Lat.]; canceling etc. v.; cancel; revocation, revokement; repeal, rescission, defeasance.    ... show more


1 cancel

Postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled:
— Cancel the dinner party.

synonyms: call off, scratch, scrub.

Roget 773: fail, neglect, omit, elude, evade, give the go-by to, set aside, ignore; shut one's eyes to, close one's eyes to.    infringe, transgress, violate, ... show more

Roget 552: efface, obliterate, erase, raze, rase, expunge, cancel; blot out, take out, rub out, scratch out, strike out, wipe out, wash out, ... show more

Roget 756: abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy etc. 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize; ... show more

Dutch: afketsen, afspringen, afstuiten, annuleren, doorhalen, schrappen

2 cancel

Make up for.

synonyms: offset, set off.

3 cancel

Declare null and void; make ineffective:
— Cancel the election results.

synonym: strike down.

Dutch: afgelasten, annuleren, cancelen

4 cancel

Remove or make invisible.

synonym: delete.

5 cancel

Make invalid for use:
— Cancel cheques or tickets.

synonym: invalidate.

Dutch: ontkrachten

Moby thesaurus: KO, abandon, abbreviate, abolish, abolishment, abolition, abort, abridge, abrogate, abrogation, absolve, accent, accent mark, accommodate, adjust, annihilate, annul, annulment, balance, bar ... show more.

Find more on cancel elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



Roget 756: abrogation, annulment, nullification, recision; vacatur [Lat.]; canceling etc. v.; cancel; revocation, revokement; repeal, rescission, defeasance.    ... show more

Find more on canceling elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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