English synonyms about - contact  

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1 cancellation

The act of cancelling; calling off some arrangement.

Roget 552: obliteration; erasure, rasure; cancel, cancellation; circumduction; deletion, blot; tabula rasa [Lat.]; effacement, extinction.   

Dutch: intrekken, afgelasting, annulering

2 cancellation

The speech act of revoking or annulling or making void.

Moby thesaurus: abandonment, abbreviation, abolishment, abolition, abridgment, abrogation, annulment, arabesque, basketry, basketwork, blot, blotting, blotting out, blue-penciling, bowdlerization, cancel, canceling, cancelling, cassation, censoring ... show more.

Find more on cancellation elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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