English synonyms about - contact  

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1 incumbent

The official who holds an office.

synonym: officeholder.

Roget 188: inhabitant; resident, residentiary; dweller, indweller; addressee; occupier, occupant; householder, lodger, inmate, tenant, incumbent, sojourner, ... show more

Roget 737b: politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisanship, ideology, factionalism.    election, poll, ballot, vote, referendum, ... show more

Roget 996: clergy, clericals, ministry, priesthood, presbytery, the cloth, the desk.    clergyman, divine, ecclesiastic, churchman, priest, presbyter, hierophant, ... show more

Dutch: titularis


1 incumbent

Lying or leaning on something else.

Roget 206: high, elevated, eminent, exalted, lofty, tall; gigantic etc. (big) 192; Patagonian; towering, beetling, soaring, ... show more

Roget 319: weighty; weighing etc. v.; heavy as lead; ponderous, ponderable; lumpish, lumpy, cumbersome, burdensome; cumbrous, unwieldy, massive.    ... show more

2 incumbent

Necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility; morally binding.

3 incumbent

Currently holding an office.

Moby thesaurus: addressee, artist-in-residence, beetle, beetle-browed, beetling, behooving, benefice-holder, beneficiary, binding, bridging, burdensome, chargeable to, commanding, compulsory, cumbersome, cumbrous, demanding, denizen, dweller, habitant ... show more.

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