English synonyms about - contact  

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1 transparency

Permitting the free passage of electromagnetic radiation.

synonym: transparence.

Roget 425: transparence, transparency; clarity; translucence, translucency; diaphaneity; lucidity, pellucidity, limpidity; fluorescence; transillumination, translumination.    transparent medium, ... show more

2 transparency

The quality of being clear and transparent.

synonyms: transparence, transparentness.

Polish: przezierność, przepuszczalność światła, przejrzystość, przezroczystość, przeźroczystość, klarowność

3 transparency

Picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector.

synonym: foil.

Dutch: transparant
Polish: przezrocze, diapozytyw, przeźrocze

Moby thesaurus: Celluloid, Lucite, Perspex, Photostat, Plexiglas, Telephoto, Wirephoto, Xerox, Xerox copy, aerial photograph, aquamarine, beryl, black-and-white photograph, blowup, blueprint, candid photograph, carnelian, cellophane, chalcedony, cheesecake ... show more.

Find more on transparency elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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