Roget 727: arm, arms; weapon, deadly weapon; armament, armaments, armature; panoply, stand of arms; armor etc. (defense) 717; armory etc. (store) 636; apparatus belli [Lat.]. ammunition; powder, powder and shot; cartridge; ball cartridge, cartouche, fireball; villainous saltpeter" [Henry IV]; dumdum bullet. explosive; gunpowder, guncotton; mercury fulminate; picrates; pentaerythritol tetranitrate, PETN. high explosive; trinitrotoluene, TNT; dynamite, melinite†, cordite, lyddite, plastic explosive, plastique; pyroxyline†. [knives and swords: list] sword, saber, broadsword, cutlass, falchion†, scimitar, cimeter†, brand, whinyard, bilbo, glaive†, glave†, rapier, skean, Toledo, Ferrara, tuck, claymore, adaga†, baselard†, Lochaber ax, skean dhu†, creese†, kris, dagger, dirk, banger†, poniard, stiletto, stylet†, dudgeon, bayonet; sword-bayonet, sword-stick; side arms, foil, blade, steel; ax, bill; pole-ax, battle-ax; gisarme†, halberd, partisan, tomahawk, bowie knife†; ataghan†, attaghan†, yataghan†; yatacban†; assagai, assegai†; good sword, trusty sword, naked sword; cold steel. club, mace, truncheon, staff, bludgeon, cudgel, life preserver, shillelah, sprig; hand staff, quarter staff; bat, cane, stick, knuckle duster; billy, blackjack, sandbag, waddy†. gun, piece [Fr.]; firearms; artillery, ordnance; siege train, battering train; park, battery; cannon, gun of position, heavy gun, field piece [Fr.], mortar, howitzer, carronade†, culverin†, basilisk; falconet, jingal†, swivel, pederero†, bouche a feu [Fr.]; petard, torpedo; mitrailleur [Fr.], mitrailleuse [Fr.]; infernal machine; smooth bore, rifled cannon, Armstrong gun†, Lancaster gun, Paixhan gun, Whitworth gun, Parrott gun, Krupp gun, Gatling gun, Maxim gun, machine gun; pompom†; ten pounder. small arms; musket, musketry, firelock†, fowling piece [Fr.], rifle, fusil†, caliver†, carbine, blunderbuss, musketoon†, Brown Bess, matchlock, harquebuss†, arquebus, haguebut†; pistol, postolet†; petronel; small bore; breach-loader, muzzle-loader; revolver, repeater; Minis rifle, Enfield rifle, Flobert rifle, Westley Richards rifle, Snider rifle, Martini-Henry rifle, Lee-Metford rifle, Lee-Enfield rifle, Mauser rifle, magazine rifle; needle gun, chassepot†; wind gun, air gun; automatic gun, automatic pistol; escopet†, escopette†, gunflint, gun-lock; hackbut†, shooter, shooting iron [U.S.], six-shooter [U.S.], shotgun; Uzzi, assault rifle, Kalashnikov. bow, crossbow, balister†, catapult, sling; battering ram etc. (impulse) 276; gunnery; ballistics etc. (propulsion) 284. missile, bolt, projectile, shot, ball; grape; grape shot, canister shot, bar shot, cannon shot, langrel shot†, langrage shot†, round shot, chain shot; balista†, ballista†, slung shot, trebucbet†, trebucket†; bullet, slug, stone, brickbat, grenade, shell, bomb, carcass, rocket; congreve†, congreve rocket†; shrapnel, mitraille [Fr.]; levin bolt†, levin brand†; thunderbolt. pike, lance, spear, spontoon†, javelin, dart, jereed†, jerid†, arrow, reed, shaft, bolt, boomerang, harpoon, gaff; eelspear†, oxgoad†, weet-weet, wommerah†; cattle prod; chemical mace. ... show more
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