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1 mortuary

A building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation.

synonyms: dead room, morgue.

Roget 363: interment, burial, sepulture; inhumation; obsequies, exequies; funeral, wake, pyre, funeral pile; cremation.    funeral, funeral rite, ... show more

Dutch: lijkenhuis, mortuarium, rouwcentrum, uitvaartcentrum
Polish: kostnica


1 mortuary

Of or relating to or characteristic of death.

Roget 360: dead, lifeless; deceased, demised, departed, defunct, extinct; late, gone, no more; exanimate, inanimate; out of the world, taken off, ... show more

Roget 363: burried etc. v.; burial, funereal, funebrial; mortuary, sepulchral, cinerary; elegiac; necroscopic.   

2 mortuary

Of or relating to a funeral.

Moby thesaurus: blue, burning ghat, cadaverous, charnel house, cinerary, corpselike, crematorium, crematory, deadhouse, deadly, deathlike, deathly, deathly pale, dirgelike, dismal, eerie, epitaphic, exequial, feral, funebrial ... show more.

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