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1 acknowledgment

The state or quality of being recognized or acknowledged.

synonyms: acknowledgement, recognition.

Roget 529: disclosure; retection; unveiling etc. v.; deterration, revealment, revelation; exposition, exposure; expose; whole truth; telltale etc. ... show more

Roget 973: reward, recompense, remuneration, meed, guerdon, reguerdon; price.    [payment for damage or debt] indemnity, indemnification; quittance; compensation; reparation, redress, ... show more

Roget 950: penitence, contrition, compunction, repentance, remorse; regret etc. 833.    self-reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-humiliation; stings of conscience, ... show more

Roget 916: gratitude, thankfulness, feeling of obligation, sense of obligation.    acknowledgment, recognition, thanksgiving, thanksgiving, giving thanks; thankful good will.    thanks, praise, benediction; paean; ... show more

Roget 807: payment, defrayment; discharge; acquittance, quittance; settlement, clearance, liquidation, satisfaction, reckoning, arrangement.    acknowledgment, release; receipt, ... show more

Roget 772: observance, performance, compliance, acquiescence, concurrence; obedience etc. 743; fulfillment, satisfaction, discharge; acquittance, acquittal.    adhesion, ... show more

Roget 535: affirmance, affirmation; statement, allegation, assertion, predication, declaration, word, averment; confirmation.    asseveration, adjuration, swearing, ... show more

Roget 488: assent, assentment; acquiescence, admission; nod; accord, concord, concordance; agreement etc. 23; affirmance, affirmation; recognition, ... show more

Roget 462: answer, response, reply, replication, riposte, rejoinder, surrejoinder, rebutter, surrebutter, retort, repartee; rescript, rescription; ... show more

Roget 762: consent; assent etc. 488; acquiescence; approval etc. 931; compliance, agreement, concession; yieldance, yieldingness; accession, ... show more

Dutch: bekentenis, ontvangstbevestiging, toekenning, herkenning, dankbetuiging, dankzegging, erkenning
Polish: rozpoznawalność

2 acknowledgment

A short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage:
— The acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book.

synonyms: citation, cite, credit, mention, quotation, reference.

Dutch: vermelding

3 acknowledgment

A statement acknowledging something or someone:
— She must have seen him but she gave no sign of acknowledgment.
— The preface contained an acknowledgment of those who had helped her.

synonym: acknowledgement.

Dutch: bedankje
Polish: serdeczności, wyrazy

Moby thesaurus: abject apology, acceptance, acknowledgments, acquittance, admission, allowance, answer, answering, antiphon, apology, appreciation, avowal, back, back answer, back matter, back talk, backchat, bastard title, benediction, bibliography ... show more.

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