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1 Cola

Large genus of African trees bearing kola nuts.

synonym: genus Cola.

Dutch: cola

2 cola

Carbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States).

synonym: dope.

Dutch: Kola
Polish: coca-cola, cola, kola, pepsi, pepsi-cola

Find more on Cola elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 colon

The part of the large intestine between the cecum and the rectum; it extracts moisture from food residues before they are excreted.

Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology, semeiotics; Zeitgeist.    [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, ... show more

Roget 142: cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence.    intermission, remission; suspense, suspension; interruption; stop; stopping etc. v.; closure, ... show more

Dutch: dikke darm, colon, karteldarm
Polish: okrężnica

2 colon

The basic unit of money in El Salvador; equal to 100 centavos.

synonym: El Salvadoran colon.

3 colon

The basic unit of money in Costa Rica; equal to 100 centimos.

synonym: Costa Rican colon.

Polish: colon, CRC

4 Colon

A port city at the Caribbean entrance to the Panama Canal.

synonym: Aspinwall.

Dutch: Aspinwall

5 colon

A punctuation mark (:) used after a word introducing a series or an example or an explanation (or after the salutation of a business letter).

Dutch: dubbelpunt
Polish: dwukropek

Moby thesaurus: Alexandrine, Deutschmark, Mark, Reichsmark, abdomen, accent, accentuation, afghani, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anapest, anna, antispast, anus, appendix, arsis, bacchius, baht, beat ... show more.

Find more on colon elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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