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shy of


Roget 867: disliking etc. v.; averse from, loathe, loathe to, loth, adverse; shy of, sick of, out of conceit with; disinclined; heartsick, dogsick; ... show more

Roget 864: cautious, wary, guarded; on one's guard etc. (watchful) 459; cavendo tutus [Lat.]; in medio tutissimus [Lat.]; vigilant.    careful, heedful; cautelous, stealthy, ... show more

Roget 623: unsought, unattempted; avoiding etc. v.; neutral, shy of etc. (unwilling) 603; elusive, evasive; fugitive, runaway; ... show more

Roget 603: unwilling; not in the vein, loth, loath, shy of, disinclined, indisposed, averse, reluctant, not content; adverse etc. (opposed) ... show more

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