English synonyms about - contact  



1 muddled

Confused and vague; used especially of thinking.

synonyms: addled, befuddled, muzzy, woolly, woolly-headed, wooly, wooly-minded.

Roget 959: drunk, tipsy; intoxicated; inebrious, inebriate, inebriated; in one's cups; in a state of intoxication etc. n.; temulent, temulentive; bombed, smashed; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: addlebrained, addled, addleheaded, addlepated, anarchic, arsy-varsy, ass-backwards, at a loss, baffled, balled up, bamboozled, beat, beclouded, beery, befuddled, bemused, besotted, blear-witted, blind drunk, bollixed up ... show more.

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