English synonyms about - contact  

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1 stemmed

Having a stem or stems or having a stem as specified; often used in combination.

2 stemmed

of plants Producing a well-developed stem above ground.

synonyms: caulescent, cauline.

3 stemmed

Having the stem removed.

Find more on stemmed elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 stem

linguistics The form of a word after all affixes are removed:
— Thematic vowels are part of the stem.

synonyms: base, radical, root, root word, theme.

Roget 153: cause, origin, source, principle, element; occasioner, prime mover, primum mobile [Lat.]; vera causa [Lat.]; author etc. (producer) 164; mainspring; ... show more

Roget 367: vegetable, vegetable kingdom; flora, verdure.    plant; tree, shrub, bush; creeper; herb, herbage; grass.    annual; ... show more

Roget 166: paternity; parentage; consanguinity etc. 11.    parent; father, sire, dad, papa, paterfamilias, abba; genitor, progenitor, ... show more

Dutch: stam
Polish: morfem leksykalny, pierwiastek, rdzeń, pień

2 stem

A slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ.

synonym: stalk.

Dutch: grondwoord, stam, steel, stengel, stok, voorsteven
Polish: łodyga

3 stem

Cylinder forming a long narrow part of something.

synonym: shank.

Dutch: voorsteven

4 stem

The tube of a tobacco pipe.

Polish: cybuch

5 stem

Front part of a vessel or aircraft.

synonyms: bow, fore, prow.

Roget 234: front; fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, disc, frontage; facade, proscenium, facia [Lat.], frontispiece; anteriority; obverse ... show more

Dutch: boeg, voorschip, voorsteven

6 stem

A turn made in skiing; the back of one ski is forced outward and the other ski is brought parallel to it.

synonym: stem turn.


1 stem

Grow out of, have roots in, originate in.

Roget 708: oppose, counteract, run counter to; withstand etc. (resist) 719; control etc. (restrain) 751; hinder etc. 706; ... show more

2 stem

Cause to point inward.

3 stem

Stop the flow of a liquid:
— Stem the tide.

synonyms: halt, stanch, staunch.

Dutch: aanhankelijk

4 stem

Remove the stem from.

Moby thesaurus: IC analysis, Maypole, V, accidence, accrue from, adjutage, advance, affiliation, affix, affixation, affront, allomorph, animal kingdom, ankle, antagonize, anthrophore, apparentation, arise, arise from, arrest ... show more.

Find more on stem elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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