English synonyms about - contact  

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1 self-control

The act of denying yourself; controlling your impulses.

synonyms: self-denial, self-discipline.

Roget 953: temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness.    forbearance, abnegation; self-denial, self-restraint, self-control etc. (resolution) 604.    frugality; vegetarianism, ... show more

Roget 942: disinterestedness etc. adj.; generosity; liberality, liberalism; altruism; benevolence etc. 906; elevation, loftiness of purpose, exaltation, ... show more

Roget 944: virtue; virtuousness etc. adj.; morality; moral rectitude; integrity etc. (probity) 939; nobleness etc. 873.    morals; ... show more

Dutch: zelfcontrole
Polish: wyrzeczenie, prywacja

2 self-control

The trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior.

synonyms: possession, self-command, self-possession, self-will, will power, willpower.

Roget 826: inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability; even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion; tolerance, patience, coolth [Coll.].    passiveness etc. (physical inertness) 172; hebetude, ... show more

Dutch: wilskracht, zelfbeheersing, zelfcontrole

Moby thesaurus: abnegation, abstinence, acceptance, aplomb, arrest, arrestation, assurance, balance, calm, calmness, check, composure, confidence, conservatism, constancy, constraint, continence, control, cool, cooling ... show more.

Find more on self-control elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: Spartan, accepting, armed with patience, assured, automated, automatic, automatous, balanced, collected, composed, confident, controlled, cybernated, disciplined, endurant, enduring, equanimous, equilibrious, firm-minded, forbearing ... show more.

Find more on self-controlled elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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