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1 equanimity

Steadiness of mind under stress:
— He accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity.

synonyms: calm, calmness, composure.

Roget 826: inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability; even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion; tolerance, patience, coolth [Coll.].    passiveness etc. (physical inertness) 172; hebetude, ... show more

Dutch: gelijkmoedigheid, gelatenheid, kalmte, zelfbeheersing, beheersing, bedaardheid
Polish: opanowanie

Moby thesaurus: accordance, aplomb, assurance, ataraxy, balance, calm, calmness, composure, confidence, consistency, consonance, constancy, continuity, coolness, correspondence, detachment, equability, equilibrium, equipoise, evenness ... show more.

Find more on equanimity elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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