English synonyms about - contact  



1 aplomb

Great coolness and composure under strain.

synonyms: assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid.

Roget 150: stability; immutability etc. adj.; unchangeability, etc. adj.; unchangeableness; constancy; stable equilibrium, immobility, soundness, vitality, stabiliment, ... show more

Roget 498: intelligence, capacity, comprehension, understanding; cuteness, sabe [U.S.], savvy [U.S.]; intellect etc. 450; nous [Fr.], parts, sagacity, mother wit, ... show more

Roget 604: determination, will; iron will, unconquerable will; will of one's own, decision, resolution; backbone; clear grit, true grit, grit [U.S.]; sand, strength of mind, strength of will; ... show more

Polish: zimna krew

Moby thesaurus: assurance, balance, balanced personality, composure, confidence, constancy, constraint, control, cool, coolness, discipline, ease, easiness, equability, equanimity, equilibrium, erectness, fastness, firmness, homeostasis ... show more.

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