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1 vegetarian

Eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products.

Roget 953: temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness.    forbearance, abnegation; self-denial, self-restraint, self-control etc. (resolution) 604.    frugality; vegetarianism, ... show more

Dutch: vegetarisch, herbivoor, vegetariƫr
Polish: jarosz, wegetarianin


Roget 953: temperate, moderate, sober, frugal, sparing; abstemious, abstinent; within compass; measured etc. (sufficient) 639.    on the wagon, on the water wagon.    ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Apostolic, Apostolici, Brillat-Savarin, Encratic, Encratite, Lenten, Lucullus, Pythagorean, Pythagorist, Rechabite, Shaker, Spartan, Stoic, abstainer, abstemious, abstinent, ascetic, banian, board-and-roomer, boarder ... show more.

Find more on vegetarian elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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