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1 calmness

Steadiness of mind under stress.

synonyms: calm, composure, equanimity.

Roget 826: inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability; even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion; tolerance, patience, coolth [Coll.].    passiveness etc. (physical inertness) 172; hebetude, ... show more

Dutch: gelijkmoedigheid, gelatenheid, kalmte, zelfbeheersing, beheersing, bedaardheid
Polish: opanowanie

2 calmness

An absence of strong winds or rain.

3 calmness

A feeling of calm; an absence of agitation or excitement.

Dutch: gemak, kalmte
Polish: spokojność, spokój

Moby thesaurus: Buddha-like composure, Oriental calm, abnegation, abstinence, ataraxia, ataraxy, awelessness, calm, calm disposition, calm of mind, composure, conservatism, constraint, contemplation, continence, control, cool, cool head, coolheadedness, coolness ... show more.

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