1 gesture
Motion of hands or body to emphasize or help to express a thought or feeling.
Roget 527: information, enlightenment, acquaintance, knowledge etc. 490; publicity etc. 531; data etc. 467. communication, intimation; notice, notification; enunciation, annunciation; announcement; communiqu_e; representation, round robin, presentment. case, estimate, specification, report, advice, monition; news etc. 532; return etc. (record) 551; account etc. (description) 594; statement etc. (affirmation) 535. mention; acquainting etc. v.; instruction etc. (teaching) 537; outpouring; intercommunication, communicativeness. informant, authority, teller, intelligencer†, reporter, exponent, mouthpiece; informer, eavesdropper, delator, detective; sleuth; mouchard†, spy, newsmonger; messenger etc. 534; amicus curiae [Lat.]. valet de place, cicerone, pilot, guide; guidebook, handbook; vade mecum [Lat.]; manual; map, plan, chart, gazetteer; itinerary etc. (journey) 266. hint, suggestion, innuendo, inkling, whisper, passing word, word in the ear, subaudition†, cue, byplay; gesture etc. (indication) 550; gentle hint, broad hint; verbum sapienti [Lat.], a word to the wise; insinuation etc. (latency) 526. information theory. [units of information] bit, byte, word, doubleword [Comp.], quad word, paragraph, segment. [information storage media] magnetic media, paper medium, optical media; random access memory, RAM; read-only memory, ROM; write once read mostly memory, WORM. ... show more
Roget 550: indication; symbolism, symbolization; semiology, semiotics, semeiology†, semeiotics†; Zeitgeist. [means of recognition: property] characteristic, diagnostic; lineament, feature, trait; fingerprint, voiceprint, footprint, noseprint [for animals]; cloven hoof; footfall; recognition (memory) 505. [means of recognition: tool] diagnostic, divining rod; detector. sign, symbol; index, indice†, indicator; point, pointer; exponent, note, token, symptom; dollar sign, dollar mark. type, figure, emblem, cipher, device; representation etc. 554; epigraph, motto, posy. gesture, gesticulation; pantomime; wink, glance, leer; nod, shrug, beck; touch, nudge; dactylology†, dactylonomy†; freemasonry, telegraphy, chirology [Med.], byplay, dumb show; cue; hint etc. 527; clue, clew, key, scent. signal, signal post; rocket, blue light; watch fire, watch tower; telegraph, semaphore, flagstaff; cresset†, fiery cross; calumet; heliograph; guidon; headlight. [sign (evidence) on physobj of contact with another physobj] mark, scratch, line, stroke, dash, score, stripe, streak, tick, dot, point, notch, nick. print; imprint, impress, impression. [symbols accompanying written text to signify modified interpretation] keyboard symbols, printing symbols; [Symbols for emphasis], red letter, italics, sublineation†, underlining, bold font; jotting; note, annotation, reference; blaze, cedilla, guillemets†, hachure [Topo.]; [Special Characters list], quotation marks, "; double quotes, " "; parentheses, "( )"; brackets, "[ ]"; braces, "{ }", curly brackets; arrows, slashes; left parenthesis, "("; right parenthesis, ")"; opening bracket, "["; closing bracket, "]"; left curly brace, "{"; right curly brace, "}"; left arrow, ""; forward slash, "/"; backward slash, "\\"; exclamation point, "!"; commercial at, "@"; pound sign, "#"; percent sign, "%"; carat, "^"; ampersand, "&"; asterisk, "*"; hyphen, "-"; dash, "-", "_"; em dash, "--"; plus sign, "+"; equals sign, "="; question mark, "?"; period, "."; semicolon, ";"; colon, ":"; comma, ","; apostrophe, "'"; single quote, "'"; tilde, "~". [For identification: general] badge, criterion; countercheck†, countermark†, countersign, counterfoil; duplicate, tally; label, ticket, billet, letter, counter, check, chip, chop; dib†; totem; tessera†, card, bill; witness, voucher; stamp; cacher [Fr.]; trade mark, Hall mark. [For identification of people, on a document] signature, mark, autograph, autography; attestation; hand, hand writing, sign manual; cipher; seal, sigil [Lat.], signet, hand and seal [Law]; paraph†, brand; superscription; indorsement†, endorsement. [For identification of people, to gain access to restricted (locations or information)] password, watchword, catchword; security card, pass, passkey; credentials etc. (evidence) 467; open sesame; timbrology†; mot de passe [Fr.], mot du guet [Fr.]; pass-parole; shibboleth. title, heading, docket. address card, visiting card; carte de visite [Fr.]. insignia; banner, banneret†, bannerol†; bandrol†; flag, colors, streamer, standard, eagle, labarum†, oriflamb†, oriflamme; figurehead; ensign; pennon, pennant, pendant; burgee†, blue Peter, jack, ancient, gonfalon, union jack; banderole, old glory [U.S.], quarantine flag; vexillum†; yellow-flag, yellow jack; tricolor, stars and stripes; bunting. heraldry, crest; coat of arms, arms; armorial bearings, hatchment†; escutcheon, scutcheon; shield, supporters; livery, uniform; cockade, epaulet, chevron; garland, love knot, favor. [Of locality] beacon, cairn, post, staff, flagstaff, hand, pointer, vane, cock, weathercock; guidepost, handpost†, fingerpost†, directing post, signpost; pillars of Hercules, pharos; bale-fire, beacon-fire; l'etoile du Nord [Fr.]; landmark, seamark; lighthouse, balize†; polestar, loadstar†, lodestar; cynosure, guide; address, direction, name; sign, signboard. [Of the future] warning etc. 668; omen etc. 512; prefigurement etc. 511. [Of the past] trace, record &c., 551. [Of danger] warning etc. 668, alarm etc. 669. [of authority]. scepter etc. 747. [of triumph]. trophy etc. 733. [of quantity]. gauge etc. 466. [Of Distance] milestone, milepost. [Of disgrace], brand, fool's cap. [For detection], check, telltale; test etc. (experiment) 463; mileage ticket; milliary†. notification etc. (information) 527; advertisement etc. (publication) 531. word of command, call; bugle call, trumpet call; bell, alarum, cry; battle cry, rallying cry; angelus†; reveille; sacring bell†, sanctus bell [Lat.]. exposition etc. (explanation) 522, proof etc. (evidence) 463; pattern etc. (prototype) 22. ... show more
Roget 599: the drama, the stage, the theater, the play; film the film, movies, motion pictures, cinema, cinematography; theatricals, dramaturgy, histrionic art, buskin, sock, cothurnus†, Melpomene and Thalia, Thespis. play, drama, stage play, piece [Fr.], five-act play, tragedy, comedy, opera, vaudeville, comedietta†, lever de rideau [Fr.], interlude, afterpiece†, exode†, farce, divertissement, extravaganza, burletta†, harlequinade†, pantomime, burlesque, opera bouffe [Fr.], ballet, spectacle, masque, drame comedie drame [Fr.]; melodrama, melodrame†; comidie larmoyante [Fr.], sensation drama; tragicomedy, farcical-comedy; monodrame monologue; duologue trilogy†; charade, proverbs; mystery, miracle play; musical, musical comedy. [movies] western, horse opera; flick [Coll.]; spy film, love story, adventure film, documentary, nature film; pornographic film, smoker, skin flick, X-rated film. act, scene, tableau; induction, introduction; prologue, epilogue; libretto. performance, representation, mise en scene [Fr.], stagery†, jeu de theatre [Fr.]; acting; gesture etc. 550; impersonation etc. 554; stage business, gag, buffoonery. light comedy, genteel comedy, low comedy. theater; playhouse, opera house; house; music hall; amphitheater, circus, hippodrome, theater in the round; puppet show, fantoccini†; marionettes, Punch and Judy. auditory, auditorium, front of the house, stalls, boxes, pit, gallery, parquet; greenroom, coulisses [Fr.]. flat; drop, drop scene; wing, screen, side scene; transformation scene, curtain, act drop; proscenium. stage, scene, scenery, the boards; trap, mezzanine floor; flies; floats, footlights; offstage; orchestra. theatrical costume, theatrical properties. movie studio, back lot, on location. part, role, character, dramatis personae [Lat.]; repertoire. actor, thespian, player; method actor; stage player, strolling player; stager, performer; mime, mimer†; artists; comedian, tragedian; tragedienne, Roscius; star, movie star, star of stage and screen, superstar, idol, sex symbol; supporting actor, supporting cast; ham, hamfatter [Slang]; masker†. pantomimist, clown harlequin, buffo†, buffoon, farceur, grimacer, pantaloon, columbine; punchinello†; pulcinello†, pulcinella†; extra, bit-player, walk-on role, cameo appearance; mute, figurante†, general utility; super, supernumerary. company; first tragedian, prima donna [Sp.], protagonist; jeune premier [Fr.]; debutant, debutante [Fr.]; light comedian, genteel comedian, low comedian; walking gentleman, amoroso†, heavy father, ingenue [Fr.], jeune veuve [Fr.]. mummer, guiser†, guisard†, gysart†, masque. mountebank, Jack Pudding; tumbler, posture master, acrobat; contortionist; ballet dancer, ballet girl; chorus singer; coryphee danseuse [Fr.]. property man, costumier, machinist; prompter, call boy; manager; director, stage manager, acting manager. producer, entrepreneur, impresario; backer, investor, angel [Fig.]. dramatic author, dramatic writer; play writer, playwright; dramatist, mimographer†. ... show more
is a specific kind of: motility, motion, move, movement.
is a broader term that covers: jab, jabbing, poke, poking, thrust, thrusting | mudra.
derivation: gesticulate, gesturev1, motion.
Dutch: gebaar
Polish: gest
2 gesture
The use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signals.
synonym: motion.
is a specific kind of: visual communication.
is a broader term that covers: sign | gesticulation | beck | facial expression, facial gesture | flourish | high-five | previous question | shrug | wafture, wave, waving | V sign | nod | bow, bowing, obeisance | sign of the cross | curtsey, curtsy ... show more.
derivation: gesticulate, gesturev1, motion.
Dutch: gebaar
3 gesture
Something done as an indication of intention.
is a specific kind of: indicant, indication.
is a broader term that covers: beau geste.
Dutch: gebaar, geste
1 gesture
Show, express or direct through movement:
— He gestured his desire to leave.
synonyms: gesticulate, motion.
is a specific kind of: communicate, intercommunicate.
is a broader term that covers: wink | exsert, extend, hold out, put out, stretch forth, stretch out | shrug | clap, spat | acclaim, applaud, clap, spat | bless, sign | nod | cross oneself | bow, bow down | shake | beckon, wave ... show more.
derivation: gesturen1 | gesturen2, motion | gesticulation.
Dutch: gesticuleren, gebaren
Moby thesaurus: action, actions, activity, acts, address, affectation, air, bearing, beck, beckon, behavior, behavior pattern, behavioral norm, behavioral science, body language, broad hint, carriage, charade, chironomy, clue, comportment, conduct, cue, culture pattern, custom, dactylology, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, demeanor, deportment, doing, doings, dumb show, flag, folkway, formality, gambit, gentle hint, gesticulate, gesticulation, gesture language, gestures, glimmer, glimmering, goings-on, guise, hand signal, high sign, hint, implication, index, indicate, indication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation, kick, kinesics, look, maintien, manner, manners, method, methodology, methods, mien, mime, modus vivendi, motion, motion to, motions, move, movement, movements, moves, nod, nudge, observable behavior, pantomime, pattern, ploy, poise, port, pose, posture, practice, praxis, presence, procedure, proceeding, prompt, reminder, saw the air, scent, shrug, shrug the shoulders, sign, sign language, signal, signalize, social science, spoor, stance, style, suggestion, suspicion, symbol, symptom, tactics, telltale, token, tone, track, wave the arms, way, way of life, ways, whisper, wink ... show more.
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