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1 obeisance

Bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting.

synonyms: bow, bowing.

Roget 308: lowering etc. v.; depression; dip etc. (concavity) 252; abasement; detrusion; reduction.    overthrow, overset, overturn; ... show more

Roget 894: courtesy; respect etc. 928; good manners, good behavior, good breeding; manners; politeness etc. adj.; bienseance, urbanity, ... show more

Roget 928: respect, regard, consideration; courtesy etc. 894; attention, deference, reverence, honor, esteem, estimation, veneration, ... show more

Dutch: buiging
Polish: ukłon

2 obeisance

The act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person.

synonym: obedience.

Roget 725: submission, yielding; nonresistance; obedience etc. 743.    surrender, cession, capitulation, resignation; backdown.    obeisance, homage, kneeling, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: acceptance, acquiescence, allegiance, apple-polishing, ass-kissing, assent, backscratching, bend, bending the knee, bob, bootlicking, bow, bowing and scraping, brown-nosing, complaisance, compliance, consent, cringing, crouch, curtsy ... show more.

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