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1 evensong

The sixth of the seven canonical hours of the divine office; early evening; now often made a public service on Sundays.

synonym: vespers.

Roget 990: worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation; kneeling, genuflection, prostration.    prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, ... show more

Dutch: vesper, vespers
Polish: nieszpór, nieszpory

2 evensong

Anglican Church A daily evening service with prayers prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer.

synonym: Evening Prayer.

Moby thesaurus: Mass, bedtime prayer, camp meeting, church, church service, close of day, cockshut, compline, crepuscular, devotions, divine service, dusk, dusky, duty, eve, even, evening, evening devotions, eventide, exercises ... show more.

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