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1 grill

A restaurant where food is cooked on a grill.

synonym: grillroom.


1 grill

Cook over or under a grill.

Roget 384: heat, warm, chafe, stive, foment; make hot etc. 382; sun oneself, sunbathe.    go up in flames, burn to the ground (flame) 382.    ... show more

Dutch: grillen, grilleren

2 grill

Examine thoroughly.

Moby thesaurus: andiron, automat, bake, barbecue, baste, beanery, bistro, blanch, boil, braise, brew, broil, brown, buffet, buvette, cafe, cafeteria, canteen, cantina, casserole ... show more.

Find more on grill elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 grille

Small opening (like a window in a door) through which business can be transacted.

synonyms: lattice, wicket.

Roget 219: crossing etc. v.; intersection, interdigitation; decussation, transversion; convolution etc. 248; level crossing.    reticulation, network; ... show more

2 grille

Grating that admits cooling air to car's radiator.

synonym: radiator grille.

3 grille

A framework of metal bars used as a partition or a grate.

synonyms: grill, grillwork.

Moby thesaurus: arabesque, basketry, basketwork, bay, bay window, bow window, cancellation, casement, casement window, cross-hatching, crossing-out, fan window, fanlight, filigree, fret, fretwork, grate, grating, grid, gridiron ... show more.

Find more on grille elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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