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1 dole

A share of money or food or clothing that has been charitably given.

Roget 784: giving etc. v.; bestowal, bestowment, donation; presentation, presentment; accordance; concession; delivery, consignment, dispensation, communication, ... show more

Roget 786: apportionment, allotment, consignment, assignment, appointment; appropriation; dispensation, distribution; division, deal; repartition, partition; administration.    dividend, ... show more

Roget 828: mental suffering, pain, dolor; suffering, sufferance; ache, smart etc. (physical pain) 378; passion.    displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, ... show more

Roget 640: insufficiency; inadequacy, inadequateness; incompetence etc. (impotence) 158; deficiency etc. (incompleteness) 53; imperfection etc. 651; ... show more

2 dole

Money received from the state.

synonyms: pogey, pogy.

Moby thesaurus: accord, ace, adjunct, administer, administration, adversity, affliction, afford, aid, alimony, allocate, allocation, allot, allotment, allow, allowance, alms, alms fee, anguish, annuity ... show more.

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