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1 uneasiness

Feelings of anxiety that make you tense and irritable.

synonyms: disquietude, edginess, inquietude.

Roget 828: mental suffering, pain, dolor; suffering, sufferance; ache, smart etc. (physical pain) 378; passion.    displeasure, dissatisfaction, discomfort, ... show more

2 uneasiness

Physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression).

synonyms: malaise, unease.

Dutch: ongesteldheid, teneergeslagenheid
Polish: niewyraźność

3 uneasiness

Embarrassment deriving from the feeling that others are critically aware of you.

synonyms: self-consciousness, uncomfortableness.

4 uneasiness

The trait of seeming ill at ease.

synonyms: disquiet, unease.

Dutch: rustloosheid, bezorgdheid, roerigheid, ongedurigheid, gewoel, gejaagdheid, beroering, onrust

5 uneasiness

Inability to rest or relax or be still.

synonyms: queasiness, restlessness.

Dutch: rusteloosheid

Moby thesaurus: Faustianism, abashment, agitation, all-overs, angst, anguish, anxiety, anxiety hysteria, anxiety neurosis, anxious bench, anxious concern, anxious seat, anxiousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, attack of nerves, boredom, breathless impatience, buck fever, cankerworm of care ... show more.

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