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1 bespoke

of clothing Custom-made.

synonyms: bespoken, made-to-order, tailor-made, tailored.

Find more on bespoke elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 bespeak

Be a signal for or a symptom of.

synonyms: betoken, indicate, point, signal.

Roget 132: be early etc. adj., be beforehand etc. adv.; keep time, take time by the forelock, anticipate, forestall; have the start, gain the start; steal a march upon; gain time, ... show more

Roget 467: be evidence etc. n.; evince, show, betoken, tell of; indicate etc. (denote) 550; imply, involve, ... show more

Roget 516: mean, signify, express; import, purport; convey, imply, breathe, indicate, bespeak, bear a sense; tell of, speak of; touch on; ... show more

Roget 755: commission, delegate, depute; consign, assign; charge; intrust, entrust; commit, commit to the hands of; authorize etc. (permit) 760.    ... show more

Roget 864: be cautious etc. adj.; take care, take heed, take good care; have a care mind, what one is about; be on one's guard etc. (keep watch) 459; make assurance doubly sure" [Macbeth]. ... show more

Dutch: aanduiden, wijzen op, duiden, wijzen
Polish: sygnaƂ

2 bespeak

Express the need or desire for.

synonyms: ask for, call for, quest, request.

Roget 765: request, ask; beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask; beg leave, beg a boon; ... show more

Dutch: vragen

Moby thesaurus: accost, address, announce, apostrophize, appeal to, apply for, apply to, approach, approve, argue, ask, ask for, attest, be construed as, be indicative of, be significant of, be symptomatic of, beg leave, betoken, book ... show more.

Find more on bespeak elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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