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1 muck

Any thick, viscous matter.

synonyms: goo, gook, goop, guck, gunk, ooze, slime, sludge.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Dutch: smurrie, spleetoog, brij, slijm, stroperigheid, blubber

2 muck

Fecal matter of animals.

synonyms: droppings, dung.

Dutch: aal, aalt, bout, dreutel, drol, druk, gier, hoop, hoopje, mestgier
Polish: bobek


1 muck

Remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine.

2 muck

Spread manure, as for fertilization.

synonym: manure.

Dutch: cultiveren, bemesten, mesten

3 muck

Soil with mud, muck, or mire:
— The child mucked up his shirt while playing ball in the garden.

synonyms: mire, muck up, mud.

Moby thesaurus: amble, ammonia, begrime, bemire, bemud, besmoke, bilge, bitch up, blow, blunder, bobble, bollix, botch, bugger up, bungle, carrion, castor-bean meal, clay, commercial fertilizer, compost ... show more.

Find more on muck elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.


Moby thesaurus: bitch up, blighter, blow, blunder, bobble, bollix, bullyboy, bungle, churl, clodhopper, clown, gum up, louse up, lowlife, muck, no-good, punk, rough, roughneck, rowdy ... show more.

Find more on mucker elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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